Rotary Club of Wausau Early Birds Photo Gallery
Spring 2021 Roadside Clean Up Project
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Early Birds gather to clean ditches along County KK in Rib Mountain.
President's Anniversary Dinner & Auction - 2021
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Early Birds gather for the annual President's Anniversary Dinner and Auction to raise money for Rotary Foundation.
Fromm Brothers Historical Preservation Society
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Greg Strasser, who leads the Fromm Brothers Historical Preservation Society, shared the story of the Fromm Brothers with the Wausau Early Birds Rotary Club, including details on their ginseng and silver fox operations, and the fact that anyone who owns a dog tha has had a rabies shot can thank the Fromm's, who led the way to the distemper vaccine. Greg also shared details on how the Preservation Society is working to tell the story of the Fromm Brothers, including photos of their work to market
2020 Bell ringing for Salvation Army
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Kudos to the Wausau Early Birds Rotary Club for supporting the Salvation Army by taking part in bell ringing today and tomorrow! Thanks to Sam’s Club for allowing us to do this important work in front of their place! And thanks to Dan Schaut and George Snyder for coordinating this important effort! Pictured below are June Anderson, Pat Puyleart, Will Fleet, Maggie Kerski Cronin, Ann Lucas, Mary Weller, and Jeff Zriny, who are among the 20+ WEBR volunteers who are taking part!
2020 Pints for Polio
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Our inaugural year of Pints for Polio fundraiser, a virtually-held concert from Bull Falls Brewery, raising money for Rotary Foundation's efforts to rid the world of polio.
Elroy Crazy Legs Hirsch - Wausau's Favorite Son
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Special thanks to Mathew Foss, the assistant director at the Woodson Art Museum in Wausau. Mathew presented to the Early Birds on Wausau's favorite son, Elroy "Crazy Legs" Hirsch! Hirsch is one of two Wausau natives enshrined in the NFL Hall of Fame, the other being the great Jim Otto! Thanks, Mathew for helping the Early Birds understand the significance of Wausau's Crazy Legs!
Rotary Year Final Meeting - June, 2020
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Our annual final meeting of the year is held at the Challenge statue in downtown Wausau. The statue was the first service project of the Early Birds, and commemorates Wausau's long history of whitewater kayaking!
It's also the meeting when we have a change of leadership, this year Kalynn Pempek handing the President's gavel to Dave Anderson. And we also honor one of our own with our Service Above Self award, given this year to Ray Connor, for his volunteer work in the community.
President's Anniversary Dinner & Auction - 2020
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Our annual President's anniversary dinner and president's pantry auction to raise money for Rotary Foundation - held in 2020.
Love is International Weekend - 2020
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RYE students gather in Wausau for Love is International weekend.
Annual Holiday Gathering - 2019
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The Early Birds gather yearly to celebrate the holidays!
2019 Powerboat Nationals Food Tent
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Early Birds Rotarians volunteer to operate the food tent at the Powerboat Nationals in Wausau...raising money for our club's activities!
Rotary Year Final Meeting - June 2019
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Our final meeting of the 2018-2019 Rotary year, held at the Challenge Statue in downtown Wausau.
Love is International Weekend - 2019
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RYE students from District 6220 gather in Wausau for a fun weekend.
Annual Holiday Gathering - 2018
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The Early Birds get together annually to celebrate the holidays.
2018 Powerboat Nationals Food Tent
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Early Birds volunteer to operate the food tent at the Powerboat Nationals races.
Annual Year End Meeting - 2018
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A big day for Early Birds Rotary! Our end of the fiscal year meeting was held at the Marathon County Public Library. Congratulations to JoAnn Draeger for being honored as our Service Above Self recipient! President Tammy Szekeress presented JoAnn with the award. Tammy Johnson Szekeress also passed the gavel to incoming President Jan Janet Klosinski, who will lead us over the nest 12 months. Finally, we presented a check to the library for their Early Literacy program. Reading is so
Challenge Statue Dedication
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The Early Birds first project was raising funds to have a statue built in downtown Wausau to honor the city's whitewater kayaking history. The "Challenge Statue" was dedicated with city officials and members of the Early Birds on hand.